Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen has a particular position within the Swiss art scene: it can be described as the smallest of the larger institutions for contemporary art or – conversely – the largest of the smaller exhibitors. This is where opposing opportunities, expectations and emotions meet and mix.
Our major interest is to serve as a platform for the work of artists which we consider to be relevant to current discourse. We aim to help them in terms of content and financially in the realisation of new productions and appropriately present and convey their artistic approach to our public.
In addition, we see it as our task to inspire artistic impulses on the spot which contribute to the international networking of the Swiss art scene, publish catalogues and promote the general communication of contemporary art.
As a platform whose agenda radiates openness, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen aims to propagate an open concept of art and pose questions about current artistic production of a young generation of artists as well as to take up socially and politically relevant themes. We are convinced that art is an important instrument for both the celebration and the questioning of complex relationships: we aim to confront our audience with this complexity. Furthermore, we do not forget our geographical surroundings in our programme. With artists we attempt to master the balancing act between local requirements and global ambitions by using St. Gallen and the region as a starting point and a context for content and to involve specialised partners on the spot in our productions.
Like other Swiss institutions for contemporary art the Kunst Halle was founded in the mid-80s to satisfy the increasing requirements of the local art scene for exhibition opportunities, professional networking and an intellectual exchange of ideas – in other words to make the vitality of the local art scene visible and palpable and to create an identification platform. This pioneer phase, which took place all over Switzerland and served for the establishment of contemporary art as an irreplaceable cultural phenomenon in the public mind, was followed by years of constant further development and professionalisation in which Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen went from being a wandering association without fixed premises to a renowned institution for contemporary art.
The Kunsthalle St. Gallen was founded in 1985 and describes itself originally as a place where artistic statements are used to react to controversial situations relating to urban development. These are represented by condemned properties like the public baths (Volksbad) or the industrial college (Gewerbeschule). The cultural-political idea of employing artistic methods to react to urban development issues provides both the motivation and the driving force for defining cultural sites out of nothing, for a limited time and with meagre resources.
It subsequently becomes possible to move into another property at 24 Wassergasse which is scheduled for demolition at some unspecified time. During the four-year stay there is already a growing sense of institution. The idea of improvisation and drudgery is abandoned, with the conviction that only an enterprise run on professional lines is able to fulfil the expectations of the earlier project. The town of St. Gallen acknowledges the achievement of the Kunsthalle and in 1990 approves an annually renewable subsidy. This subsidy, supplemented by additional support from the Canton and other institutions, enables it to rent exhibition space on a permanent basis, and to appoint a part-time supervisory board in a secretariat role. Content and programming is placed in the hands of young, alternating guest curators, full of enthusiasm and ambition.
At the end of 1992, the premises at 24 Wassergasse have to be vacated for demolition. After a long search, the town offers a temporary solution at 40 Davidstrasse. The Kunsthalle has finally found a permanent home on the cultural scene in St. Gallen. Its first Artistic Director is Josef Felix Müller.
After moving into the premises at 40 Davidstrasse, the Society decides to advertise publicly the position of Artistic Director. The Kunsthalle’s first curator, from 1996 to 2001, is the German Dorothea Strauss. Her programme is increasingly oriented towards international artists. Since September 2001 Gianni Jetzer has held the position of Director at the Kunsthalle. He consolidates the international orientation of his predecessor, at the same time strongly featuring younger artists from Switzerland. In 2004 we moved into premises on the ground floor of a storehouse at Davidstrasse 40. The new location is an important advantage in communicating what we have to offer and emphasising the public interest. The architects Keller/Hubacher from Herisau were responsible for the conversion of the premises. The frieze in the foyer, visible day and night from outside, was used as an exhibition surface by various artists alternating every six months until 2007. Giovanni Carmine has been director of Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen since 2007. His main interest lies in providing a platform for artists for the production of new projects and a place for experiment as well as contributing to the international networking of the Swiss art scene.
The Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen is member of the association of Switzerland's Museums (Verein der Museen der Schweiz, VMS) and of the association of Switzerland's Institutions for contemporary Art (Verein Schweizerischer Institutionen zeitgenössischer Kunst, VSIZK).
Wir sind die Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen.
Die Kunst Halle zeigt neue Kunst.
Hier können neue Ideen entstehen.
Wir unterstützen Künstlerinnen und Künstler, damit sie neue Werke schaffen können.
Wir arbeiten auch mit anderen Kunstorten in der Schweiz und weltweit zusammen.
Aktuell zeigen wir die Ausstellung «Heimspiel 2024».
Die Ausstellung zeigt Werke von lokalen Kunstschaffenden.
Informationen zur Ausstellung gibt es hier.
Dienstag bis Freitag: 12 – 18 Uhr
Samstag und Sonntag: 11 – 17 Uhr
Montags und an bestimmten Feiertagen geschlossen
Normal: 7 CHF
Studierende und Kulturlegi: 2 CHF
Freier Eintritt für:
Mitglieder der Kunst Halle
Schweizer Museumspass
Kinder und Jugendliche bis 18 Jahre
Schulklassen aus dem Kanton St.Gallen
Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen
Davidstrasse 40
9000 St.Gallen
Die Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen ist fast ohne Hindernisse zugänglich.
Der Haupteingang der Kunst Halle ist an der Davidstraße. Dort gibt es eine Treppe.
Der barrierearme Zugang ist über den Hinterhof.
Der Zugang zum Hinterhof ist an der Ecke Geltenwilerstraße und Davidstraße.
Es gibt eine Rampe (ungefähr 8 % Steigung), und der Weg ist asphaltiert.
Rufen Sie uns an, wenn Sie im Hinterhof sind. Wir schliessen die Türe auf.
Die Toilette für Menschen mit Behinderungen ist im 1. Obergeschoss. Sie ist mit Begleitpersonen zugänglich.
Wir wollen, dass alle Menschen uns gut erreichen können.
Haben Sie Fragen? Möchten Sie mehr wissen?
Rufen Sie uns an oder schreiben Sie uns.
Wir helfen gerne!
Telefon: +41 71 222 10 14
Email: info@k9000.ch
We are Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen.
We show new art.
This is a place where new ideas can grow.
We help artists create new works.
We also work with other art places in Switzerland and around the world.
Tuesday to Friday: 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Closed on Mondays and certain public holidays
Regular: 7 CHF
Students and KulturLegi holders: 2 CHF
Free admission for:
Kunst Halle members
Raiffeisen card holders
Swiss Museum Pass holders
Children and young people under 18
School classes from the canton of St.Gallen
Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen
Davidstrasse 40
9000 St. Gallen
The Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen is almost free of barriers.
The main entrance is on Davidstrasse. It has stairs.
The accessible entrance is via the courtyard.
The entrance to the courtyard is at the corner of Geltenwilerstrasse and Davidstrasse.
There is a ramp (approx. 8% incline), and the path is paved.
Call us when you enter via the courtyard. We will open the door for you.
The restroom for wheelchairs is on the first floor. It is accessible for wheelchair users with accompanying persons.
We want everyone to be able to visit us comfortably.
Do you have questions? Would you like more information about our services?
Give us a call or send us an email.
We’re happy to help!
Phone: +41 71 222 10 14
Email: info@k9000.ch
• Membership 2025: Apply Now!
Art Lunch• Art Lunch13 February 2025, 12 a.m.Guided tour followed by a Lunch menue
Tandem Tour• Tandem Tour14 February 2025, 6.30 p.m.with Kultur für Alle
Heimspiel: Finissage• Heimspiel: Finissage2 March 2025, 3 p.m.With a performance by Markus Goessi
double exhibition• double exhibition14 March 2025exhibition opening Majd Abdel Hamid, Sofía Salazar Rosales
Guided Tour on Tuesday• Guided Tour on Tuesday18 March 2025Guided tour of the exhibition of Majd Abdel Hamid and Sofía Salazar Rosales
Guided Tour on Sunday• Guided Tour on Sunday18 March 2025Guided tour of the exhibition of Majd Abdel Hamid and Sofía Salazar Rosales